

How brought their sales site up to speed with their product capabilities with GitStart

May 23, 2024


Founded in 2019 by Deivids Vilkinsons, Joel Spolsky, and Jude Allred, HASH developed a set of technologies that simplify and automate complex data integration, and multi-agent coordination. Their app consolidates data from various apps, websites, and files into a self-healing, private database that stays current and accurate on its own.

Imagine you’re juggling information from multiple sources for a project, like contacting leads or financial planning. Instead of manually updating and integrating data from across sources, HASH does it for you effortlessly.

This makes HASH invaluable for professionals in sales, recruiting, research, and analysis, enabling them to focus on strategic tasks while ensuring their data is always up-to-date and reliable.

The challenge

Any talented engineering team eventually finds itself in high demand and has to balance work that will advance the core product with equally important tasks that need doing. That’s exactly where the HASH team, led by CEO Deivids, found itself.

“We found ourselves repeatedly deferring frontend work on our website in favor of channeling time and energy into improving the actual product itself, but that meant that our sales site and public presence were no longer an accurate representation of our capabitilies,” they shared.

The volume of catch-up work threatened to pull them away from the deep engineering challenges they loved—those that genuinely moved the needle. They considered hiring more people, but the additional overhead of recruiting, training, and management was a no-go, as it would strain them even further.

With a growing backlog, decisions had to be made and priorities reassessed so the core product wouldn’t suffer under the weight of unattended tasks.


Deivids discovered GitStart thanks to our work on and was convinced to try us because our integrations with GitHub, Vercel, Slack, and Linear aligned seamlessly with their stack, making it a perfect fit for their ways of working.

Since then, GitStart has collaborated with HASH on their website, using Next.js, MDX, and Material UI to give it a new UI/UX.


HASH’s website no longer lags behind the product

With help from GitStart, the website is now a real reflection of where the product is at.

GitStart improved's online presence by updating the homepage, adding a "Learn HASH" page, and creating a dynamic integration page. The "About" and "Contact" pages were revamped, and more work, such as an updates hub, is underway.

Senior engineers are free to advance the core product

As soon as we started contributing, HASH engineers were freed up to develop their core product further while GitStart worked autonomously, requiring only a few review cycles on PRs to make sure we got things right.

GitStart requires very little active management. With GitStart we never have to worry about things being seen through to completion. — Deivids


GitStart completed the work that several frontend engineers would have otherwise, except hitting the ground running from day one.

This way, HASH’s core team could stay in control of their hiring and didn’t feel compelled by circumstance to add people at short notice when not ready, yet still enjoyed a boost to their engineering capacity.

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