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More automations to make your life easier

More automations to make your life easier

We've added more automations to streamline your workflow using GitStart.
December 4

New automations for when we push code

As we push code to a PR you’re waiting for, our system will auto-update the status to ‘Client Review.’ This automation makes life easier for our developers, eliminating the need to check into our dashboard frequently and paves the way for future changes, like knowing which PRs are stuck in review for long periods.

New automations for when you request changes from us

Reviewed code from GitStart, but the PR is not quite ready yet?

If you explicitly request changes on a PR, our system will transition the PR status to ‘In Progress’ and revert the PR to a draft in GitHub, depending on your GitHub plan. This automation makes the whole process smoother, and developers will once again mark it as ready for review after the changes are applied.

This new feature is an internal favorite and another part of recent efforts to ensure smoother operations when working with PRs.

We hope you like these enhancements, too, and happy shipping! 🚀

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