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Fast onboarding for JavaScript and TypeScript projects

Fast onboarding for JavaScript and TypeScript projects

Previously, project setup for TypeScript and JavaScript required contacting us. Now, you can create instances yourself, streamlining the process for Indie plan users who signed up through our website.
July 3

Create an instance for your TypeScript or JavaScript project in minutes

Give your instance a name and select the project type.

Selecting the project type

Then you can install our GitHub App on the GitHub repository you want to create an instance for and select that repository.

Installing the GitHub App

You will then be asked to select the branch you want to slice from, which files you want to include or ignore in the instance, and the commands to build and run the project.

Slicing the repository

After that, we will verify that the project still builds correctly.

Verifying that the project builds correctly

And that’s it from your end - we will take care of the rest!

Instance created

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