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Merged PRs from GitStart now trigger instant cost estimate approval

Merged PRs from GitStart now trigger instant cost estimate approval

See a GitStart PR you like and merge it. But what about the cost estimate?
November 10

We’ve streamlined out our PR cost-approval workflow

From now on, when you merge a PR delivered by GitStart, its associated cost estimate is approved automatically.

As a part of our usage-based model, we promise independently priced PRs with straightforward estimates.

Auto-Approval of Cost Estimates on PR Merges

Our customers appreciate this model for keeping on top of their costs. But we heard your feedback about inadvertent PR merges without understanding the costs, like when coworkers review and merge GitStart PRs and may not know their price.

What if my coworker merges a PR without knowing the cost?

Our new feature is designed to make sure you’re always kept up-to-date.

To keep costs transparent:

  • We’ll share the cost estimate on Slack;
  • Additionally, we’ll post a comment in the PR whenever a new PR estimate is calculated.

Both opportunities allow you to review and either approve or reject the estimate if it doesn’t match your expectations.

New Estimate Comment in PR

In the spirit of clarity, every time we push code to the PR, we’ll post another comment to remind you about the latest estimate. This way, you and your team are never taken by surprise by the associated costs when you hit the‘merge’ button.

Estimate Reminder on Code Push

If you want to know more about estimates, our documentation covers this in more details.

Happy shipping!

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